Monday, April 27, 2015

It's not that bad...

In my last post, I talked about how I was "taking time" for myself, but really I was just procrastinating, but what I didn't talk about was how it really made me feel. Not the post ER visit, but the time during the ER visit.

I have the terrible tendency to think worse of a situation. I have always done this to myself. Get called to the office in school, parents need to talk, teacher needs to talk, manager wants to have a word with me, all situations that were either good or mediocre, but because of my mind, I've blown them out of proportion.

I did this at the ER. I was having upper abdomen issues and I googled what could be wrong with me. Found several things that could have been the cause and found one that I thought would be ok to have and chose it. I started thinking and then my mind went back to my family history and it scared me senseless. I thought My dad had cancer and died at a young age, an uncle and grandmother all from my father's side, and they were all relatively young. Naturally, or unnaturally, my brain said, this too I must have and started to think the worse. I began crying and I was alone. My wife went home to tend to the kids, and I stayed in the ER alone and brooding.

Thankfully, it was my gallbladder and not cancer, but it got me thinking about my life and how I treat everything. I have always wanted to start a business and become an entrepreneur, but I have always have been debilitated by my fears and past. I allowed the doom and gloom of what? Failure? No, more!
I don't have cancer, and I'm out of excuses. In the worse case scenario with a business; I don't make a sell, and I have to start over. The best case scenario; I make more sales than I imagine and my dreams come to fruition. What do I have to lose? What do you have to lose?

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