Monday, June 16, 2014


Sometimes the only thing you can do is release it. Write it, shout it, or punch a wall. It is never good to hold it in. I'm not a loud person and I don't want to repair a wall, so I'll just write it the best I know how.

I'm trembling on the inside
Or so i like to think
My palms are getting sweaty
My hands begin the shake
My eyes they might be red
Or bloodshot to be honest
My mind is racing
My heart pumping
My adrenaline is high 
I want to punch into a wall 
If only for a minute
And help my #frustration release from me
At least I think I've earned it

What makes you so frustrated that you need to scream or you just want to punch someone? For me it's the way I handle my children vs my wife and we're going to talk about it when she gets up.

Also, follow me on:
Twitter @thevmhernandez
Facebook /thevmhernandez

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