Saturday, July 25, 2015

I'm never gonna finish...

Constantly this has been bayin me, "You're never gonna finish." I hear it all the time. I was doing so well with my momentum, but when someone harshly criticizes you it really brings down the momentum. Right now I'm just above zero and it's really hurting my creativity. 

Generally, I can brush off most people's deconstructive criticism, but when it's a family member, and they see something you worked so hard on and laugh, it really kicks you down several knotches. It's been a couple of weeks, the same day my grandmother passed, and it's just eating at me. I really don't know how to shake it and I think that's what is ripping my goals apart. 

I'm not very good at art. When I released my first game, all the art was text, and placement. Not a big deal. The next 3 I'm currently working on require art and I am still working on bringing up my quality. I thought I was doing ok and was trucking along until I made the mistake, perhaps, of showing my uncle. He isn't that accomplished as an artist, but he's making a name for himself and has been featured in a few galleries. Now, I'm nearly paralyzed in my pursuit and can't even bring myself to work on anything. Not my books, not my games, and certainly not on art. 

Why is it eating me so? Why am I giving it so much power?

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