Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The voices

I've spent a lot of time talking about my fears, dreams, and the BHAGs, or Big Hairy Audacious Goals, and I look at the things they, my fears, have kept me from doing. I've wondered, "why does it stop me so?" It isn't as though they can harm me, or it isn't as though they are new voices either. It's the same voices I have heard for most of my life. They are echoed in my head every time I attempt to do anything meaningful.

I have decided to write down what they are telling me. Perhaps it'll be in a vlog that I do them all, or perhaps here. I haven't decided yet, but that's something to decide later, but for now; here's the first and most dominant today:
"Who are you?"

This isn't a question of who am I and what have I become, but "who are you to say you can do x, y, or z?" "Who do you think you are to accomplish this goal?" "what right do you have to do anything you think you can accomplish?" Then, they go on. "When you fail, that's right, when you fail, it's going to happen like all the other times before. You're going to start on something and get far, but because you don't own the right to do anything like this you cannot complete it. Who are you?"

What are the voices saying in your head? And how do we address them?

I think the best way to address this is a 3 prong attack.

1. Have, or add, positive people in your life. I don't know about you, but I have so many Nay-Sayers in my life that I don't have enough hands to count them and so few positive people that less than half of 1 hand can be used to count them, and in case you are wondering, it's 2.
2. Listen to positive speech. Be it blogs, podcasts, vidcasts, audiobooks, books, or audible, take time to listen to some great speakers with a Positive Mental Attitude, or as Zig Ziglar calls it a PMA.
3. Be happy. Yes! Be happy. Some people are so  grumpy they light up a room by leaving it. That shouldn't be you, and it should be me. Smile, it fools people all the time , keep your head up high, it gives you confidence, and great people with a giant and honest "HI!"

Zig will also tell you to use positive talk, but I just can't bring myself to do it, so I'll leave that to him and his people.

How do you attack the negative voices in your head? I'm going to write mine down and I'll bring them back to share with y'all in future posts.

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