Monday, July 20, 2015

Yesterday's over...

I often get caught up in yesterday. I forget that today's a new day and it's filled with new opportunity; both good and bad. Regardless of the luck of the day, I still have the opportunity to make the most out of it.

I was reading Great by Choice by Jim Collins and Morton T. Hansen, and one of the lessons they speak about is return on luck, or ROL. It is exactly how it sounds, and the crazy thing is, you control the ROL. Yes, there are things out of your control, and beyond your limit, but as I've always enjoyed the saying, "Luck favors the prepared." ROL is not the same as luck, but what you do with the cards you have been delt.

Depending on the day, that could mean anything. A botched meeting, a kid falling down and injuring themselves, and so much, much more! Today, I plan on taking luck by the horns and get a good ROL by preparing in the best way I can

1. Reading helps with my preparation. I will read.
2. Listening to good things: I often find myself listening to, or watching things with negativity or false truths or hopes. I will input positive things into my mind.
3. Don't waste my time. Honestly this is the hardest for me. I find myself spending hours watching an anime, or movie and don't realize the night is half gone.
4. Sleep! Yes, there's an exclamation mark because I don't sleep, or don't sleep well. It's hard to stay up if your mind is half down.
5.Use my time wisely, Budgeting is a huge part of my life, and why should I budget my day and my time? I've talked about time budgeting in a previous post and I'm sure that if I had things budgeted, even if my day goes completely wrong, just short of my house falling down, I can handle whatever the day might try to dish out at me.

That last one is a doozy for me and I have high hopes that I can manage it as well as I think I can.

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