Friday, July 17, 2015

Crossing the line

I often think of "crossing the line" as crossing the finish line, but that's isn't the only line you cross when running in a race. There's also a starting line. The line that you can visually see, but without a doubt you must cross it before you can finish...

Before you can cross the "Start" you have to be prepared. You can just get up to the line and begin running, but with out that training, you won't have the edge you could have or the endurance to finish. There is preparation that must go into it before beginning, but just because you should prepare before you begin, it doesn't mean you don't ever begin. 

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - John Maxwell

Don't get caught up and never start the race. Too often we look at the task before us and dream up a terrible run, a run we cannot hope to finish, and never begin. We over prepare and allow our fear to paralyze us, leaving you stilled in your footsteps. 

Begin. Don't hesitate. Start the race at a good pace and don't give in and own it!

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