Friday, April 17, 2015

Constantly growing

We grow every day, and have a different experience and learn from it, grow from it. When we think about our constant growth we only think about our bodies and hardly think about our minds. When I say, "we" I don't mean everyone, of course, but I do know a few that disregard the growth and expansions of our minds as a waste of time.

Parent: Make sure the money is applied to get a shirt. I don't want to waste any money on a book.

I was talking to a parent and was blown away and saddened when she said this. It took everything in me to not shout, "it's worth more than a shirt your child's going to outgrow!"

"You are the same today you'll be in five yours except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read."

I remember the first time I heard that quote. It resonated within me. From then on I started to consume books and haven't looked back. My mind has grown, and my thirst for knowledge and personal growth as well as the growth of those around me has not stopped. I can't imagine not reading daily and growing. I encourage my children to read, my wife and my students and hope they'll understand how important it is to their growth. Shirts get ripped, torn, lost, and outgrown and although a book can also be torn, ripped and lost, once you've read them, you'll never outgrow what you've learned. I have never been more creative today than I have ever been and I have such high hopes for the future.

Ok, off my box.

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