Thursday, October 2, 2014

Building blocks

One, and then another.
One on top of the other.
Higher still the stack goes,
How high? GOD only knows.
When will the stack fall?
Am I building all too tall?
When at last it crumbles down;
Will I be under it when it hits the ground?
Should I stack another up on top?
Will this one make it flop?
Am I on rock or sand?
Will my foundation help it stand?
The winds will come and they will bellow,
The sun be hidden, the sky not yellow.
The waters be fowl and they will crash,
Will your stack at last get dashed?

Where's your foundation? How firm is that foundation? I know where I've build my stack and house, but I also know that I'm lax to often and don't reinforce my foundation with the Word as often as I need to, am told to do so, or should.

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