Monday, October 13, 2014

A teacher's heart

I've noticed something about myself.
1. I have a hard time shutting up! (Yeah, I'm that guy that can have an entire conversation with your input. Sorry :x)
2. People still deal with me even knowing number 1.
3. I have always loved sharing what I have learned to help them grow with me.

I think 3 is the best part of me. When I learn something new I always have to share it. As I said in 1, I am that guy that can't stop talking, which is probably why I started a blog in the first place. When I'm really passionate about it I just talk about, and LORD help you if you have a question!

Once it begins,
it never ends.
I read all that I can find.
My mind sees all, then it bind.
Each word that's read stored in my mind.
Easily accessible for all to find.
Ask me once, then never again.
Be you new, or a long time friend.
Your watch you'll check, once then twice.
I'll talk so long, you'll burn the rice.
Stop me quick before I start!
Could it be because I have a teacher's heart?

Does anyone else suffer from this? Surely, I can't be the only person!?

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