Monday, April 6, 2015

Times value

Time slips through my hands like sand through the hourglass, except, the sand is not contained, but instead it's being blown into the wind. There aren't enough days in the week, or hours in a day, but perhaps there are, and if there are, where are they going?

I have priorities in my life, truly I do, but I allow my time to be taken up by nonsensical things such as games and movies. Is watching a 3 hour movie worth losing that time to work on my dream? For me the answer is, "no" and yet still I do it, still I watch that movie or series of movies taking up 9 hours of my week and sleep. Why?

Perhaps then it's boredom. I get bored of working on my dream and decide to take a long break, but that isn't true. Perhaps, then, it's lack of creativity, and I can't think of anything to help me continue in my work, but that isn't entirely it either. I currently have 3 more pieces of my current project that needs to be completed and I have almost everyone worked out on them, and yet I still am watching or doing something else. 

The only thing I can see is that it's either an excuse or habit. I think most likely a habit, but that's just an excuse. Some die hard, others are easy. I need to find the queue and stop it before it happens, and replace it with a good habit, like working on my dream or sleeping. No more time for excuses. It's time to break habits, make new ones and get busy. It's time to not just talk idly by and watch my dream pass me by, but take action. I set myself up for failure by continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome, from my reckoning, that's the definition of insanity.

What are you distracted with? What ways do you have to break your bad habits? What are they keeping you from? 

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