Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A sleepy Annabella

I know that you're sleepy, I know that you're tired.
I know that your time awake has long since expired.
Heavy your eyes do begin to become,
And now you're fussy and tears start to run.
As I lay you down so gentle so kind
Dream of the places you see in your mind.
Go fly in the clouds and see a great place.
Take your time, go slow, it isn't a race.
What is it you see, quite often I ponder,
What joy and imagination, I wonder.
But keep your secret and be there tonight
And when you wake up, I'll hug you up tight.
I'll ask where you've been but respond you shall not.
But wonder continually, that I'll do a lot.

I love when she gets tired. It's always interesting to see her personality change. Am i the only one?

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