Thursday, July 3, 2014

Incoming storm

It sizzles,
It fizzles,
It booms,
And pops.
It's constant, so constant,
And It just won't stop.
There in the distance, 
I see it coming.
Above the horizon the storm,
Is humming,
And whirling. 
Adorn in thunder,
And wonder.
I stand idly sill,
Until it comes,
Now I can feel,
The rain it drums, 
The thunder it clashes,
And lighting it burns and bashes.
Oh it's warm,
This storm,
As this downpour begins to form.
Howling and beckoning,
It's circling...

I've been caught in many metaphoric and actual storms. I think metaphoric storms are pretty terrible too. What do y'all think?

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