Monday, June 30, 2014

Passed By

I was running down the street,
Careful with the steps of my feet.
When there I saw on my six,
A car was coming very quick.
The car was red, beautiful and sleek,
Compared to it I was weak.
Constantly over my shoulder I look,
To see the rout that it took,
But it easily passed me by.
Faster I ran to try and deny,
The fact that I was left behind.
Harder I pushed beyond the grind,
And farther ahead of me it went.
I ran until my legs were spent.
I busted my tail until no more I could,
But keep on going? I should, I should?
What is the best I could top?
As I thought,
The car stopped...

I've been passed before by my dreams. I thought I could never catch them until I gave up and when the dream came to a pause I was too far behind to catch up and grab a hold of it. Have you were been in this situation? Or did you grab it with both hands and tenaciously grasp with all your might? 

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