Monday, October 26, 2015


When there is a hole, regardless of the size, water tries to fill it. Even if it means emptying the rest of the area to fill it, water gives it everything to accomplish its simple goal, fill the hole.

I find that confidence is the same way. If you lack confidence, then you try to go about by any means to get the void that it has left in you filled. Rather than allowing your confidences to grow through your accomplishments You look for praise, no, you thirst for it, and continually try to get noticed by being either in your face or nagging. Both can get annoying and often push people away, or, because you thirst so much, when you don't hear the words you want it causes you to sink. Don't try to force feed the hole, but instead let it do it on its own. You'll end up less hurt when you don't gets e praise you want.

How, then, do you get that confidence that you want, crave, and need? Be satisfied with your skills and limitations. Take a step back and tell yourself, "I love the way that came out." and just enjoy what you do. You aren't going to please everyone and not everyone will like what you like, but you're not alone.

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