Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving to me

Turkey and a lot to eat
Stomach fool, rest my feet.
Family gathered from all around,
Eat some more, then hit the ground.
Pass the gravy one more time.
Food is all over this rhyme.
Football and a bit of TV,
Is that what thanksgiving is for me?
Family is great and so's the food,
But what's the real point of the mood?
Thankful for many things,
And for stuff like toys and rings.
Family, friends and all together.
Even if befoul the weather.
Still a tugging in the heart. 
Turkey day has it's start,
But not of food though some may claim,
And with these words; the faith is lame.
For Jesus and the cross he bear,
Is the thankfulness we all should share.
So now as we call this day something new;
Is it a good thing? Should it be true?
Should we always be thankful?
Yes, We should ever be thankful!
Not on just the day of Thanksgiving,
Every day, because our GOD is living.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving, or turkey day, or whatever else you may call it. I celebrate thanksgiving everyday so the vernacular you choose doesn't matter to me! Do you agree or disagree? Tell me why in the comments.

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